Schedule a Visit

Visitation Guidelines

  • Upon arrival, please go to the front desk
  • Your temperature will be taken and you will need to sign our COVID book and answer some COVID screening questions
  • We will give you a new mask upon arrival
  • We prefer to limit visits to 2 people per visit
  • Do not schedule multiple visits per day, please schedule one visit per day at this time to allow us an opportunity to give other visitors a chance to also see their loved ones.
  • Please call us to schedule your booking as soon as you know you can’t make your scheduled visit

Thank you!

Security Code:
security code
Please enter the security code:

Schedule a Visit
Schedule a Tour link

Pacific Grove Healthcare
200 Lighthouse Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950

Tel 831-375-2695
Fax 831-647-9639


Pacific Grove Healthcare
200 Lighthouse Ave

Pacific Grove, CA 93950

Tel 831-375-2695
Fax 831-647-9639

Schedule a Tour